Sundae School
July is National Ice Cream Month! (seriously, it is).

What's your favorite?
But... I was thinking, why cant it be "International" Ice Cream Month? I mean I know that ice cream is not just consumed, craved and indulged-in stateside. So it got me thinking, "How does ice cream vary across the globe?"
Enter Sundae School. From spicy to pricey and just plain gross, here is what I found...
TASTES RICH: At Serendipity 3 in NYC, high paid-patrons can get their fix. Here is the breakdown; three scoops of Tahitian and Madagascar vanilla ice cream. 23-carat gold leaves, chucks of rare chauo chocolate, exotic candied fruits from Paris's Fauchon, chocolate truffles, and a tiny bowl of Grande Passion caviar sweetened with passion fruit, orange and Armagnac. All topped with a gilded sugar flower and sprinkled with pure 24-carat gold edible dust. COST: $1,000. I. am. dead. serious.
HOT, BUT NOT MELTED: New Orleans' Creole Creamery knows how to raise the heat index on the classic ice cream sundae. Check this: Tchoupitoulas Sundae. Your choice of eight scoops and eight toppings. Added to the top? Whipped cream, cherries, sprinkles, and sugar wafers. The kicker? Its bedded on Strawberry jalepeno cheesecake!
THINKING INSIDE THE BUN: At The Weekend Market in Bangkok portability is key! Forget the cone or cup, they go for a bun. Yep, a hot dog bun! The ice cream is typically coconut flavored and the toppings are out-of-this-world! Here are some examples; peanuts and pineapple jam (okay pretty standard), yellow corn, Taro, and black jelly! No whipped cream here. It is custom to top the sundae with canned coconut milk rather than whipped cream.

GOLDEN ARCHES: This is probably my favorite. Like all of the McDonald's nationwide, Hong Kong's offers its customers a sweet treat. However, this sundae is topped quite differently. Vanilla soft serve is topped with Green Tea Syrup (sounds good) and then sprinkled with sweet red beans. I would actually love to try this!
ITALY VIA VENEZUELA: In Merida, Venezuela there is an ice cream parlor that serves-up more than 900 different flavors. What do you d0 once you have 100 chocolate and a 100 fruit varieties? Pasta of course! I give you Spaghetti and Cheese Ice Cream. Here, cheese flavored ice cream is combined with cut up chunks of cooked spaghetti. They hold the sauce. Also on the menu: trout, shrimp, onion, and tuna. Yummy.
DRESSING ON THE SIDE: Calling all calorie counters and herbivores, Asia has your fix! Check this out. Salad ice cream made with a strawberry base, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and peppers. A good way to get your children to eat their veggies?