Pushing Forward...
Happy Monday!!! I hope this post finds everyone well. I know, I know... your thinking that I usually blog on Fridays--therefore I apologize for the delay. It has been a whirlwind of a week. Let's catch up...
Last weekend I had the privilege of attending ICA's (International Caterers Association) CaterArts conference in Louisville, KY. What an awesome experience! It was so rewarding to learn that chefs from all over the world face similar challenges as I. I even got to meet with a chef all the way from Africa and we were able to share ideas and realized that despite our cultural differences and local ingredients, we saw eye to eye on several culinary AND business opinions.
On Wednesday I lead a class in Molecular Gastronomy, where I demo'ed caviar, capsules and dip n' dots! The group was very responsive and I got great feedback!
Check out this awesome video recapping the opening night event. Pause at the 4:25 minute mark. I love this innovative close-pin presentation idea!
For more information recapping the 2010 conference check out the September/October issue of the CommuniCater!
So after flying back in from Louisville on Wednesday I geared up for another cooking demo. This time, I was on my own turf; Macy's Dadeland. Yes, Macy's like the store. On Saturday more than 100 shoppers and home chefs, alike hit the department store's housewares department to check me out. If you missed it, check out this brief video clip!
I prepared what I like to call "A Taste of the Orient". The menu included...

Ginger Raspberry Spritzer
Asian Pad Thai
Chicken Potstickers
Banana Tempura
I never under estimate the power of
a blackberry photo!
Last weekend I had the privilege of attending ICA's (International Caterers Association) CaterArts conference in Louisville, KY. What an awesome experience! It was so rewarding to learn that chefs from all over the world face similar challenges as I. I even got to meet with a chef all the way from Africa and we were able to share ideas and realized that despite our cultural differences and local ingredients, we saw eye to eye on several culinary AND business opinions.
On Wednesday I lead a class in Molecular Gastronomy, where I demo'ed caviar, capsules and dip n' dots! The group was very responsive and I got great feedback!
Check out this awesome video recapping the opening night event. Pause at the 4:25 minute mark. I love this innovative close-pin presentation idea!
For more information recapping the 2010 conference check out the September/October issue of the CommuniCater!

Ginger Raspberry Spritzer
Asian Pad Thai
Chicken Potstickers
Banana Tempura
I never under estimate the power of
a blackberry photo!
So what's up with all the cooking demos? I have been gearing up (practicing) for what could be my big break!!! TONIGHT I will be filming a pilot for a TV show. I am so excited and grateful for this amazing opportunity. Wish me luck and I will keep you guys updated! Thanks for the continuous support.