Catching My Breath...
Man, Oh' man, have I been busy. It's just now that I sit comfortably in front of my computer, Johnny Walker Black in hand, that I can finally reflect on the past 6 months. Gasp! It really has been 6 months since my last post...
Thank you everyone for the countless emails and requests for me to return to the "blogosphere". Besides the regrets of being a slacker of sorts, something else has been on my mind lately; the power of relationships. In a business where connections rein supreme and where some have skipped the monthly association meeting thinking, "I can stay connected with a tweet or status update," relationships are still the building blocks to every profitable business venture. Okay, I am done with the pep talk. Here is a glimpse into what I have been up to and those "relationships" that I have gained along the way.
I have been to New York City to film a reality show (airing this month), to Catersource in Las Vegas to be inspired, and launched a new food truck; Aaron's Catering Express. It has been a wild ride! Our team has hosted happy hours, ate and drank our ways through the South Beach Wine and Food Festival, rallied money for Japan, and picked up an awesome fleet of culinary students that have aided tremendously!
Now that I have caught my breath, I will be blogging weekly to keep everyone updated on the craziness that is Chef Brian Aaron. In the meantime? work on building those relationships people!